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目前分類:英語用語 (40)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2011-04-01 “Fewer” or “Less”? “One fewer” or “One less”? (573) (2)
2010-07-31 "As follows" or "As follow"? (29999) (0)
2010-06-23 All vs. All Of (311) (2)
2010-05-08 More than One - Singular or Plural? (7278) (0)
2010-04-21 Pardon? Excuse me? (232) (0)
2010-04-17 “Couldn’t care less” or “Could care less”? (245) (0)
2010-03-07 A tenfold increase? Increase tenfold? (91) (0)
2010-02-27 “In the bed”, “On the bed” or “In bed”? (10402) (1)
2010-02-07 Flat Adverbs vs. Adverbs with the suffix -ly (193) (0)
2009-11-29 In vs. Into (63) (0)
2009-11-28 Different from vs. Different than (4048) (0)
2009-11-23 Although vs. Despite (618) (2)
2009-11-08 詞句解析: Collaborate vs. Cooperate (3960) (0)
2009-11-07 About English Usage (61) (0)
2009-10-16 Compose vs. Comprise vs. Constitute (265) (0)
2009-10-14 Complement vs. Supplement vs. Compliment (805) (0)
2009-10-09 Differences in Word Usage (1154) (0)
2009-10-05 Lay vs. Lie (235) (0)
2009-10-04 Error Correction from a so-called columnist (50) (0)
2009-10-04 Commonly Confused Words and their correct usage (1972) (0)
2009-10-04 Usage: Complete vs. Whole (384) (0)
2009-10-03 Affect vs. Effect (634) (1)
2009-09-26 "What do you think?" vs. "How do you think?" (19852) (1)
2009-09-19 Usage: worth vs. worthy of, except vs. except for (555) (0)
2009-09-11 Errors in Translation 2 (40) (0)
2009-08-08 懷柔政策 - “Carrot on a stick”, “carrot and stick” or "carrot or stick"? (853) (0)
2009-08-08 偷瞄, 凝視, 瞥見, 直奔 (4160) (0)
2009-07-27 Notwithstanding 的詞性 & usage (3671) (0)
2009-06-26 "In the face" vs. "On the face" (7638) (1)
2009-06-24 "wait on" vs. "wait for" (14115) (0)
2009-06-06 2 years teaching experience, 2 years of teaching experience, or ? (1019) (0)
2009-05-29 Grammatical error vs. Grammar error (2962) (0)
2009-04-27 何時用 anyone 或.everyone? (2194) (0)
2009-04-04 In itself vs. Itself (560) (0)
2009-02-28 Usage: Only vs. Just (443) (0)
2009-02-28 The usage of "so" vs. "it" (95) (0)
2008-11-15 Expiry vs. Expiration (3330) (0)
2008-11-10 "Whether" vs. "If" (621) (0)
2008-11-08 The difference among "even though", "even so" & "even if" (2683) (0)
2008-10-19 wicked vs. wickedly (61) (0)


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