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目前分類:博君一笑 (4)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

You are probably suffocated by the serious topics with which I have inundated you lately.  So, I decided to write something light.    


I don’t know how I came across this news.  Anyway, it is a really funny story.  I can only say that I am speechless.  If you are a female, PLEASE STAY AWAY from the swimming pool because you might be impregnated by a stray sperm.    There is not a safe place in this world.  However, if you have been trying to conceive but in vain, this is an innovative way to get pregnant.   Just sneak into a hotel pool with your hubby.  Remember to bring a magnifying glass with you and check for any stray sperm first.  This is to ensure that you don’t get the wrong father for your baby.    

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A secret


This is a secret only known by my husband and my kids.  Now I am letting the cat out of the bag.  I have worn a body shaper for 6 weeks and have reduced 6 pounds of weight.  Maybe to some, reducing a pound a week isn’t that big a news, but to me, I am very satisfied.  I did not purposely go on diet.  What I did was wearing a body shaper.  The purpose of that was to allow me to fit in some of my older pants and to spare me the headache of finding new ones.  The results were more than I had bargained for, a better posture and reduced weight. 

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If you have been keeping track of all my articles, you probably know that I am looking for a new home for the blogs where I provide 英語教學 at 雅虎部落格.


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It is all about me


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