Commonly Confused Words and their correct usage:
I thought that it would be beneficial to list the words that were commonly misused and their correct usage. I will continue to add the words to the list as they come to my mind.
Some of these, I might have described in details in my previous articles and you will see links to these articles. The ones without links are the ones I haven't written. As I write one, I will place the link then.
- Adapt vs. Adept vs. Adopt
Adherence vs. Adherents
Adolescents vs. Adolescence
Adopted and Adoptive
Adverse vs. Averse
Advice vs. Advise
Alleviate vs. Ameliorate
All ready vs. Already
All right vs. Alright
All together vs. Altogether
Alternately vs. Alternatively
Allude vs. Elude vs. Illude
Allusion vs. Illusion vs. Delusion vs. Elusion
Ambiguous vs. Ambivalent
Amicable vs. amiable
Amoral vs. Immoral
Anticipate vs. Expect
Appraise vs. Apprise
Ascent vs. Assent vs. Consent
Assumption vs. Presumption
Assure vs. Ensure vs. Insure
At vs. In vs. On (Prepositions of Place)
Award vs. Reward
Beside vs. Besides
Biannual vs. Biennial vs. Semiannual
Bring vs. Take
Canvas vs. Canvass
Capital vs. Capitol
Carat vs. Caret vs. Karat
Censure vs. Censor vs. Sensor
Certitude vs. Certainty
Childish vs. Childlike
Classic vs. Classical
Climactic vs. Climatic
Clothes vs. Cloths
Confound vs. Compound
Complacent vs. Complaisant
Compare vs. Contrast
Compare to vs. Compare with
Confidant vs. Confident
Concurrent vs. Consecutive
Connote vs. Denote
Conscience vs. Conscious vs. Conscientious
Contemptuous vs. Contemptible
Continuous vs. Continual
Convince vs. Persuade
Corps vs. Corpse
Council vs. Counsel vs. Consul
Councilor vs. Counselor
Creak vs. Creek
Credible vs. Creditable vs. Credulous
Criteria vs. Criterion
Currant vs. Current
Curser vs. Cursor
Decent vs. Descent vs. Dissent
Defuse vs. Diffuse
Desert vs. Dessert
Desperate vs. Disparate
Device vs. Devise
Disassemble vs. Dissemble
Different from vs. Different than vs. Differently than
Discomfit vs. Discomfort
Discreet vs. Discrete
Disinterested vs. Uninterested
Distinct vs. Distinctive
Economic vs. Economical
Effective vs. Effectual
Egoism vs. Egotism
Elect vs. Select
Elicit vs. Illicit
Elusive vs. Illusive
Emigrate vs. Immigrate
Emigrant vs. Immigrant
Eminent vs. Immanent vs. Imminent
Empathy vs. Sympathy
Energize vs. Enervate
Enormity vs. Enormousness
Envelop vs. Envelope
Epic vs. Epoch
Especially vs. Specially
Eventually vs. Ultimately
Every Day vs. Everyday
Exalt vs. Exult
Exceptionable vs. Exceptional
Expedient vs. Expeditious
Explicit vs. Implicit
Extant vs. Extent
Extemporaneous vs. Impromptu
Famous vs. Notorious
Farther vs. Further
Fewer vs. Less
Figuratively vs. Literally
First vs. Firstly
Flair vs. Flare
Flammable vs. Inflammable
Flaunt vs. Flout
Flounder vs. Founder
Forcible vs. Forceful
Forebode vs. Forbid
Forego vs. Forgo
Foreword vs. Forward
Formally vs. Formerly
Fort vs. Forte
Forth vs. Fourth
Fortunate vs. Fortuitous
Found vs. Founded
Full vs. Fulsome
Gambit vs. Gamut
Good vs. Well
Gourmand vs. Gourmet
Hanged vs. Hung
Historic vs. Historical
Hoping vs. Hopping
Imply vs. Infer
Inanition vs. Inanity
Incidence vs. Incidents
Incipient vs. Insipid
Incredible vs. Incredulous
Indeterminable vs. Indeterminate
Indict vs. Indite
Inflict vs. Afflict
Ingenious vs. Ingenuous
Innocence vs. Innocents
Insidious vs. Invidious
Insolate vs. Insulate
Instance vs. Instant
Intense vs. Intent vs. Intensive vs. Extensive
Intensely vs. Intently
Interment vs. Internment
It’s vs. Its
Judicial vs. Judicious
Last vs. Later vs. Latter
Laudatory vs. Laudable
Lend vs. Loan
Loath vs. Loathe
Loose vs. Lose
Luxuriant vs. Luxurious
Marital vs. martial
Marry vs. Merry
Marshal vs. Martial
- Maybe vs. May Be
Militate vs. Mitigate
- Moot vs. Mute
Moral vs. Morale
Morbid vs. Moribund
Naturism vs. Naturalism
Naturist vs. Naturalist
Nauseated vs. Nauseating vs. Nauseous
Noisome vs. Noisy
Notable vs. Noticeable
Observance vs. Observation
Obsolescent vs. Obsolete
Officious vs. Official
Ordinance vs. Ordnance
Palate vs. Pallet vs. Palette
Parameter vs. Perimeter
Passable vs. Passible
Passed vs. Past
Pealed vs. Peeled
Peasant vs. Phesant
Peccable vs. Peccant
Pedal vs. Peddle vs. Petal
Penultimate vs. Ultimate
Percent vs. Percentage
Perquisite vs. Prerequisite
Persecute vs. Prosecute
Personal vs. Personnel
Perspective vs. Prospective
Perspicacious vs. Perspicuous
Pore vs. Pour
Practicable vs. Practical
Pray vs. Prey
Precede vs. Proceed
Precedence vs. Precedents vs. Presence
Predominantly vs. Predominately
Premier vs. Premiere
Prescribe vs. Proscribe
Principal vs. Principle
Proven vs. Proved
Prophesy vs. Prophesize vs. Prophecy
Prostrate vs. Prostate
Purposely vs. Purposefully
Quarts vs. Quartz
Quell vs. Quench
Quiet vs. Quit vs. Quite
Quotation vs. Quote
- Raise vs. Rise
Rational vs. Rationale
Ravage vs. Ravish
Recourse vs. Resource
Regardless vs. Irregardless
Regretful vs. Regrettable
Regrettably vs. Regretfully
Reign vs. Rein
Reluctant vs. Reticent
Respectively vs. Respectfully
Review vs. Revue
Role vs. Roll
Salacious vs. Salutary
Sanguinary vs. Sanguine
- Saver vs. Savor
Sensual vs. Sensuous
Serve vs. Service
Sew vs. Sow
Shear vs. Sheer
Should vs. Would
Simple vs. Simplistic
Slay vs. Sleigh
Sleight vs. Slight
Sometime vs. Some time vs. Sometimes
Stanch vs. Staunch
Stationary vs. Stationery
Statue vs. Stature vs. Statute
Story vs. Storey
Taunt vs. Tout
Temerity vs. Timidity
Than vs. Then
Their vs. There vs. They’re
Titillate vs. titivate
Tortuous vs. Torturous
Toward vs. Towards
Troop vs. Troupe
Turbid vs. Turgid
Unconscionable vs. Unconscious
Underway vs. Under way
Unexceptionable vs. Unexceptional
Unsociable vs. Unsocial vs. Antisocial
Vain vs. Vane vs. Vein
Venal vs. Venial
Veracious vs. Voracious vs. Vociferous
Verses vs. Versus
Waiver vs. Waver
Wake vs. Awake
Wander vs. Wonder
Weather vs. Whether
Were vs. We're vs. Where
Which vs. That
Which vs. Who
Who vs. Whom
Whoever vs. Whomever
Whose vs. Who's
Wrack vs. Wreck vs. Wreak vs. Rack vs. Reek
Wreath vs. Wreathe
Your vs. You’re