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目前分類:英翻中 (9)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

英翻中: 稅收: 表準備  Tax preparation:  Circular 230 and Internal Revenue Code § 6694


I am not a tax specialist nor do I have a degree in taxation.  Below is just my attempt to translate the meaning of a statement regarding tax practitioner around tax preparation.  My Chinese is not good so the translation may sound awful.     

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Managed float regime

The current international financial environment in which exchange

Elisa 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

*Translated by Elisa on 10/04/09 - 版權所有*

The study found it is early oestrogen exposure that "masculinises" boys to be boys – a phenomenon that owes more to "girl power" than was ever suspected.

=> The study found that it is early oestrogen exposure that masculinizes boys to be boys 

Elisa 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

*Translated by Elisa on 8/25/09- 版權所有*



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This is a question I answered at Yahoo Knowledge, but since the subject line is vague, I knew that someone would report it to be removed.  Just to make sure that others can still benefit from the quality answer I provided, I decided to post it here. 


This is it. 

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Early bonds were forged.  Depending on where it is used, it has different meaning. 

Let’s look at what bond and forge really mean.


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While the optimist in each of us wants these claims to be true, the findings from the task force, led by Tufts University biochemist Norman Krimsky, deliver a sobering dose of reality.


雖然我們樂觀地希望這些宣稱真的, 然而Tufts大學生化學家 Norman Krimsky 帶領的工作人員所研究的結果, (潑了把冷水) 讓我們回歸現實.

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Someone has mistaken this poem to be Shakepeare's.  Not all well-written poems or famous quotes came from Shakespeare.  I think that this is a pretty good poem and would like to share it with you.  I tried to translate it into Chinese.   The translation is very close to what was translated by others.  Maybe not as beautiful.

See http://www.zftrans.com/bbs/read.php?tid=4772&fpage=1&toread=&page=4

Poetry by Robert Herrick - To Electra 

I dare not ask a kiss,
I dare not beg a smile;

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This is my first attempt to translate a poem by Shakespeare.  Pardon me for my poor Chinese translation.


Sonnet 19:

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