About copyrights in cyberspace
部落格文章轉貼 小心違著作權法
經濟部智慧財產局著作權組組長張玉英指出 , 網路部落格的著作權與一般著作相同,利用人未註明出處,或是未徵得作者同意,重製或公開傳輸轉寄,都違反著作權法
部落格文章轉貼 違著作權法:
台灣醒報 更新日期:2009/03/17 05:03 林永富 【記者林永富報導】
This is an interesting article about how prevalent the violation of copyrights in the cyberspace has become.
那些老師沒有教我的事:轉寄信新聞學的奧義 by 酪梨壽司
Anyway, the reason that I write this article is to increase your awareness of the copyrights. Regarding the articles I wrote, you are always welcome to quote them as long as you notify me, state my name as the author and refer back to my site where you get them. Since I may compile all the articles I wrote in a book, this will prevent any future copyright litigation issue.