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Something out of Nothing - A Poem by Elisa English

 On 6/3/10 in Minneapolis


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Can you say it for sure? – a poem, just for the kicks


A recent incident prompted me to think about what is possible and what is impossible and it also brought back memories of some incidents happened on me and on my family that seemed rather unusual.  Everyone comes from different background with different values.  There are generation gaps, cultural gaps and whatever gaps lie among all of us.  Things that may sound reasonable to you might sound absurd to me.  Things that I experienced may seem hallucinations to you.  We can never force people to see it our way, although we often hear that "It is either my way, or the highway".  Anyway, this incident prompted me to write another alphabet poem.  I wrote it just for the kicks.  I can’t always find the Pierian Spring.  Just let me indulge in it for a little longer.    

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My husband is on a business trip, so we tag along.  I actually wrote this poem on a piece of napkin because our kids have used up every piece of paper available in the hotel room for their drawing.  Anyway, I thought of this while I was having breakfast yesterday morning.  The poem I wrote on Mother’s Day was thought to be a cheerleading song, so I thought I will follow the same structure, using the alphabets of the word “mother” for each sentence, but make it not cheerleading-like this time.


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An Alphabet Poem by Elisa English

Written by Elisa English on 5/21/10

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It is hard reading all the articles glorifying a mother’s love because I have never been a good daughter.  I always wonder why I become empty-minded as soon as the topic turns to my love ones.  I don’t know what to write about my mom.  I don’t know what to write about my love ones because emotions always get in the way.  I find it extremely difficult to find words that best describe my feelings for them. 


Anyway, I remembered that someone once asked me to write a poem that started with the alphabet of LOVE on each line.  I thought that maybe I can follow that rule and write a poem about my mom.  So here it goes.

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Let the secret be told - – A poem written by Elisa English on 5/05/10  (Just for fun)


When is a secret not a secret?

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To tell or not to tell – A poem written by Elisa English on 5/04/10  (An afterthought about morality) 

To tell or not to tell, I wonder

So much at stake to founder

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Text messaging – A poem written by Elisa English on 4/16/10


Tap, tap, tap,

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A Ghost Sound or a Coyote’s Howl -  - A poem written by Elisa English on 4/16/10


A thunderous sound

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Here is a poem I wrote dedicated to my son for his frustration to get us attending the Fiesta.  To get some background of this poem, please read the article "A Fiesta".   We try not to hurt his feeling but sometimes it is inevitable.  Life is tough. 


Life is Tough - A poem written by Elisa English on 4/14/10

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Formosa, My Love

A poem written by Elisa English on 3/28/2010


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A little girl inside me

A poem written by Elisa English on 3/26/2010


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Is Winter Going Away? 

A poem written by Elisa English on 3/24/2010


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My Scattered Mind – A poem by Elisa English

Written on 3/16/2010


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My daughter was counting the houses as we drove by last weekend.  She told me that there was a green house.  She meant the house in green.  I asked them if they knew the other meaning of a green house.  My son said “leprechaun house”.  Wow!  That wasn’t an answer I was expecting.  How interesting!  Kids are full of imagination.  Anyway, I told them it is a house where we can grow greens and plants throughout the year even in cold weather.  I have been writing some poems inspired by my kids.  I thought that maybe I can compile them into a memoir, something that they can look back at the old days as they grow up.      


A leprechaun house -  A poem inspired by my kids

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A Collection of Elisa English’s Poetry and Translation   (Elisa English 詩集與翻譯 )

Elisa English's poetry

  1. Are you Happy?
  2. My Gratitude
  3. My Two Little Silly Geese
  4. Snow is Falling
  5. Gone with the Wind
  6. Memories live on
  7. Something out of Nothing
  8. Can you say it for sure - Another Alphabet Poem
  9. A Mother's Love
  10. An Alphabet Poem (I)
  11. MOTHER
  12. Let the Secret be Told
  13. To Tell or Not to Tell
  14.  Sound or a Coyote's Howl
  15. Life is Tough
  16. Formosa, My Love
  17. A Little Girl Inside Me
  18. Is Winter Going Away
  19. My Scattered Mind
  20. A Leprechaun House
  21. A Beauty out of this World
  22. Winter Boy
  23. This is not how she is built up for
  24. No Way In
  25. As Cunning As a Fox
  26. A Phantom in the Past
  27. The Subject of Love
  28. Please Stop Peeping into my World
  29. Life is Full of Joy
  30. Skeleton Crossing
  31. Little Pussy Cat
  32. How can I Describe Mine Love to Thee
  33. Much Ado about Nothing
  34. Love Dialogue & Poetry
  35. My Sorrow for the Taiwanese People – Typhoon Morakot
  36. Laurie, My Love
  37. The Meaning of Love (2)
  38. The Meaning of Love (1)
  39. Our Scandalous Love (2)
  40. Our Scandalous Love (1)
  41. M和H開頭的情話, MINGHAN字母當每句句首的短詩


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Our Scandalous Love


With love our weakness (is) exposed

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The Meaning of Love



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While watching animal planet today, I thought of the animals in our backyard, which seemed to be a good subject for writing poetry.  If you are interested to know all the animals running about our backyard, you can find more information from this article.  http://elisaenglish.pixnet.net/blog/post/639394     

I've written the woodpecker living in our house.  This time I am going to write about the pheasant living on our deck.  Can you see how big a hole he pecked on our screen door?  If you would like to see more pictures of the pheasant, please read these articles.   http://elisaenglish.pixnet.net/blog/post/639562   & http://elisaenglish.pixnet.net/blog/post/639552 


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It continues to snow with accumulation of 6 inches so far.  As much as 14 inches of snow could fall as snow storm continues into Tuesday morning.  The first reaction my son had seeing the snow this morning was a smile with a statement that winter was here forever.  I wondered if his birth in winter drove his love for the winter.


I decided to write this poem dedicating to my son for his love of the winter.  The picture was shot from our drive way today.

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