
A Collection of Elisa English’s Poetry and Translation   (Elisa English 詩集與翻譯 )

Elisa English's poetry

  1. Are you Happy?
  2. My Gratitude
  3. My Two Little Silly Geese
  4. Snow is Falling
  5. Gone with the Wind
  6. Memories live on
  7. Something out of Nothing
  8. Can you say it for sure - Another Alphabet Poem
  9. A Mother's Love
  10. An Alphabet Poem (I)
  11. MOTHER
  12. Let the Secret be Told
  13. To Tell or Not to Tell
  14.  Sound or a Coyote's Howl
  15. Life is Tough
  16. Formosa, My Love
  17. A Little Girl Inside Me
  18. Is Winter Going Away
  19. My Scattered Mind
  20. A Leprechaun House
  21. A Beauty out of this World
  22. Winter Boy
  23. This is not how she is built up for
  24. No Way In
  25. As Cunning As a Fox
  26. A Phantom in the Past
  27. The Subject of Love
  28. Please Stop Peeping into my World
  29. Life is Full of Joy
  30. Skeleton Crossing
  31. Little Pussy Cat
  32. How can I Describe Mine Love to Thee
  33. Much Ado about Nothing
  34. Love Dialogue & Poetry
  35. My Sorrow for the Taiwanese People – Typhoon Morakot
  36. Laurie, My Love
  37. The Meaning of Love (2)
  38. The Meaning of Love (1)
  39. Our Scandalous Love (2)
  40. Our Scandalous Love (1)
  41. M和H開頭的情話, MINGHAN字母當每句句首的短詩


Elisa English's Translation of Chinese poems & literature

  1. Cicadas of Autumn (Translation: 李子恆 -  秋蟬)
  2. Joy at Meeting (Translation: 李煜 - 相見歡)
  3. An Opening (Translation: 幾米 - 我的心中每天開出一朵花)
  4. A Bottle Filled with Love Magic (Translation: 愛情魔法)
  5. An Unrelenting Love (Translation:  無怨無悔的愛)
  6. Reminiscence (Translation: 想念)
  7. Incorrupt Officials – the most heinous of all (Translation: 老殘遊記 - 明湖居聽書)
  8. In the Pursuit of Dao (Translation: 《老子》第四十八章 - 為學日益, 為道日損)
  9. Bamboo Twig Song (Translation: 劉禹錫 - 竹枝詞)
  10. Yu, the Lady of Beauty (Translation: 李煜 - 虞美人)
  11. To Farewell  (Translation: 杜牧 - 贈別)
  12. A Moonlit Night by the Vernal River (Translation: 張若虛 - 春江花月夜) 
  13. Langtaosha (Translation: 李煜 - 浪淘沙)
  14. Chant of Languor (Translation: 李清照 - 聲聲慢)
  15. Tune: Like a Dream (Translation: 李清照 - 如夢令)
  16. Tune: Like a Dream (Translation: 向滈 - 如夢令)
  17. Nostalgic Thoughts on a Moonlit Night (Translation: 白居易《因望月有感,聊書所懷》)
  18. Seeing off Hsin Chien at Rosemallow Tavern (Translation:  王昌齡〈芙蓉樓送辛漸〉)
  19. The Sui Palace (Translation: 李商隱〈隋宫〉)
  20. Poetry by Chance (Translation: 張耒 <偶題> )
  21. Rebuff (Translation : 豫章婦〈絕客詩〉)
  22. Ascend the Crane Tower (Translation: 王之渙《登鸛雀樓》)




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