A Collection of Elisa English’s Poetry and Translation (Elisa English 詩集與翻譯 )
Elisa English's poetry
- Are you Happy?
- My Gratitude
- My Two Little Silly Geese
- Snow is Falling
- Gone with the Wind
- Memories live on
- Something out of Nothing
- Can you say it for sure - Another Alphabet Poem
- A Mother's Love
- An Alphabet Poem (I)
- Let the Secret be Told
- To Tell or Not to Tell
- Sound or a Coyote's Howl
- Life is Tough
- Formosa, My Love
- A Little Girl Inside Me
- Is Winter Going Away
- My Scattered Mind
- A Leprechaun House
- A Beauty out of this World
- Winter Boy
- This is not how she is built up for
- No Way In
- As Cunning As a Fox
- A Phantom in the Past
- The Subject of Love
- Please Stop Peeping into my World
- Life is Full of Joy
- Skeleton Crossing
- Little Pussy Cat
- How can I Describe Mine Love to Thee
- Much Ado about Nothing
- Love Dialogue & Poetry
- My Sorrow for the Taiwanese People – Typhoon Morakot
- Laurie, My Love
- The Meaning of Love (2)
- The Meaning of Love (1)
- Our Scandalous Love (2)
- Our Scandalous Love (1)
- M和H開頭的情話, MINGHAN字母當每句句首的短詩
Elisa English's Translation of Chinese poems & literature
- Cicadas of Autumn (Translation: 李子恆 - 秋蟬)
- Joy at Meeting (Translation: 李煜 - 相見歡)
- An Opening (Translation: 幾米 - 我的心中每天開出一朵花)
- A Bottle Filled with Love Magic (Translation: 愛情魔法)
- An Unrelenting Love (Translation: 無怨無悔的愛)
- Reminiscence (Translation: 想念)
- Incorrupt Officials – the most heinous of all (Translation: 老殘遊記 - 明湖居聽書)
- In the Pursuit of Dao (Translation: 《老子》第四十八章 - 為學日益, 為道日損)
- Bamboo Twig Song (Translation: 劉禹錫 - 竹枝詞)
- Yu, the Lady of Beauty (Translation: 李煜 - 虞美人)
- To Farewell (Translation: 杜牧 - 贈別)
- A Moonlit Night by the Vernal River (Translation: 張若虛 - 春江花月夜)
- Langtaosha (Translation: 李煜 - 浪淘沙)
- Chant of Languor (Translation: 李清照 - 聲聲慢)
- Tune: Like a Dream (Translation: 李清照 - 如夢令)
- Tune: Like a Dream (Translation: 向滈 - 如夢令)
- Nostalgic Thoughts on a Moonlit Night (Translation: 白居易《因望月有感,聊書所懷》)
- Seeing off Hsin Chien at Rosemallow Tavern (Translation: 王昌齡〈芙蓉樓送辛漸〉)
- The Sui Palace (Translation: 李商隱〈隋宫〉)
- Poetry by Chance (Translation: 張耒 <偶題> )
- Rebuff (Translation : 豫章婦〈絕客詩〉)
- Ascend the Crane Tower (Translation: 王之渙《登鸛雀樓》)