Here is a poem I wrote dedicated to my son for his frustration to get us attending the Fiesta. To get some background of this poem, please read the article "A Fiesta". We try not to hurt his feeling but sometimes it is inevitable. Life is tough.
Life is Tough - A poem written by Elisa English on 4/14/10
You asked in earnest
Can you come to my Fiesta?
I said to be honest
I couldn’t. Ser realista!
Please don’t cry.
I will tell you why
Not that I don’t want to
But do you have any clue
The numerous events
Your school presents
We will always be there
Whatever time we can spare
If we can’t be there
Don’t sink into despair
Life is tough
There is always not enough
But we will try to be there
To show our love and care
** Ser realista (Spanish) = Be realistic
** 版權所有 – Elisa English