Someone has asked me how I would translate some of the verses in Bai Juyi's poem 《因望月有感,聊書所懷》. I decided to give it a try and translated the entire poem. This is my translation.
Nostalgic Thoughts on a Moonlit Night – Bai Juyi
Translated by Elisa English on 4/19/2011 in Minneapolis, 版權所有, 不可轉貼轉載
I was informed that there is a contest for the translation of some Chinese poems from National Taiwan University, including this one. To avoid plagiarism of my work carried out by anyone entering the contest, I have already sent my translation and my website links to National Taiwan University for their reference. This way, if they find anyone plagiarizing my translation, they can disqualify that person's entry. Beware, National Taiwan University has indicated in its website that the plagiarist's real name will be revealed to the public if plagiarism is found.
No patrimony left in this famine and commotion.
My siblings fled, living far apart in different locations.
Fields became barren in this chaotic war.
My consanguinity dispersed into foreign lands heretofore.
I mourned my shadow, like a lone wild goose, flockless, miles away.
My siblings drifted, like autumn water lilies strewn everywhere.
Far apart, watching the moon , we shed tears,
For the nostalgic feelings shared, though in five places.