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Growing out of mud, the lotus blooms pure and untainted.

Growing in slushy areas, the lotus remains pure and untainted.

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Students, in general, lack muscle strength, and are likely to get injured while carrying sports equipment.


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A splendid Midsummer.

A radiant Midsummer.

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Where did you get your laser eye surgery?

**By the way, laser eye surgery is also called: Keratectomy, LASIK, LTK, PRK

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There are several ways of saying "高票當選", "高票獲勝".  It depends on where it is used.  Below are the different translations and where they are used.



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To accurately translate the term “白目” into English isn’t an easy task, as there is not a single word that can perfectly capture the essence of its meaning.  This term originates from Taiwanese. 

I found the Chinese interpretation of it from Wikipedia.  http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%99%BD%E7%9B%AE


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人生三大不幸: 少年得志,中年失業,臨老入花叢

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*Translated by Elisa on 5/19/08 - 版權所有*



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*Translated by Elisa on 3/21/08 - 版權所有*

Green House Effect is a phenomenon of the rise in earth’s atmosphere and ocean’s temperature over time, mainly caused by human factors. It is a result of the enormous discharge of green house gases, which leads to the change in our ecosystems.

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*Translated by Elisa on 3/21/08 - 版權所有*

When one's mind is freed up from dullness and boredom, allowing the dawn light to sweep away the gloom, life will then become most carefree and full of joy.

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*Translated by Elisa on 3/03/08 - 版權所有*


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*Translated by Elisa on 3/08/08 - 版權所有*


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*Translated by Elisa on 3/08/08 - 版權所有*



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*Translated by Elisa on 3/08/08 - 版權所有*



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*Translated by Elisa on 3/12/08 - 版權所有*


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*Translated by Elisa on 3/13/08- 版權所有*


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*Translated by Elisa on 3/15/09- 版權所有*



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*Translated by Elisa on 5/21/08 - 版權所有*


在傳統的『隔牆式』產品設計程序中,因為各部門間缺乏有效的資訊傳遞與溝通,往往會造成本與時間等資源的耗費,Concurrent engineering 概念的產生, 即是為了化解產品設計人員與後續各功能工程人員之間的隔閡,以提升產品開發的效率與效能。

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*Translated by Elisa on 9/18/09- 版權所有*

聽我把春水叫寒, 看我把綠葉催.
Listen to my shrill, bringing forth the chill in spring

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