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無病呻吟(的人) – hypochondriac (adj., n.)


For Example:

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換湯不換藥 – Old wine in a new bottle.


For example:

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A pig in a poke

A poke means a sack or a bag.  A pig in a poke is something unknown because the sack is sealed from revealing its true content. 


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The statement "You are something else" can be interpreted differently when used in different situations.  It can be negative or positive depending on the tone of the voice. 


(1) Something else can be a compliment, meaning that you are unlike someone else and that you are someone special, unique or extraordinary.

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A tabloid is a small newspaper with stories often exaggerated.


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1.  Spontaneous response


Spontaneity = The quality or state of being spontaneous

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小巫見大巫, 相形見絀 (ㄔㄨˋ)


Pale in comparison

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混水摸魚 <to fish in troubled waters> 

= try to take advantage of a confused situation

For example:

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班門弄 <to teach someone something that he already knows>

= to teach ones grandmother to suck eggs <idiom>

= to teach fish how to swim

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How to express "衝堂" in English? 


I have a time conflict with my classes.

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A diamond in the rough


= One who has extraordinarily great qualities or great potentials but lacks polish.

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I don’t eat much sweet but I do from time to time indulge myself in chocolate.  Not much, probably close to a dozen pieces of Dove chocolates a week.  That weights roughly 3.25 oz.  There are roughly 35 pieces in a bag, so I would go through them in probably 3 weeks.  I don’t always buy them and stack them in my office.  This way, I won’t eat more than I need to.  So, in a year, I would probably only go through 2-3 bags at most.


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Studio = (藝術家的) 工作室, 照相攝影室, 藝術教學中心, 電影, 電視的) 攝影場地, 錄音


Chauffeur =司機

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  • Nov 21 Sat 2009 01:04
  • uncool

uncool 只有負面的解釋嗎?!



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Flip-flop (動詞, 名詞)

= (To make) a sudden or unexpected reversal, as of direction, belief, attitude, or policy (方向,信仰,態度,立場, 處境或政策上)突然的或意外的逆轉

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but drunkie has got his beerphones on and won’t have any of it.



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Absence of proof is not proof of absence.



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一個願打, 一個願挨 vs. 一個銅板敲不響

These two phrases do not share the same meaning


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Eyes widen at the sight.


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Peep (verb)


Peeper (noun)

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