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目前分類:每日一辭(英) (137)

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Have (got) a thing with / for / about


= be obsessed with / for / about

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Err on the right side.  Err on the safe side.  Err on the side of caution

 What exactly do these terms mean?


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= 自卑過甚、自暴自棄, 過於自卑而不知自重

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Thrown into disarray -  使…陷入混亂的狀況



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A.  Bespeak


1.  To speak; to address; to show; to indicate; 提出; 指示; 建議; 表示, 顯示

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Bad currency drives out good currency

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a heavy touch (heavy: adj.  touch: n.)

 (1) 濃厚的(強烈的)…手法(做事方式) 

There is a heavy touch of American movie making in this film.

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While I was reading an interesting thread of “Is the Chinese Language dead?”, I came across some interesting words and I would like to share them with you.


Facetious = not meant to be taken seriously; amusing; humorous; bantering; 詼諧的; 滑稽的; 風趣的; 開玩笑的 

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(1) 老神在在的, 冷靜的, 泰然處之的



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Pierian Spring


What is the Pierian Spring of my writing?

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Spring up like mushrooms.

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go with the flow

go with the tide


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mar 瑕疵,破壞, 毀損,缺陷

be slightly marred
有稍微地瑕疵, 缺陷

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Elisa 解答:

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1.  In one's way (meaning: forming a hindrance or obstruction)

She is determined to become President of the United States , no matter who is on her way.

=> She doesn’t care what the obstacles will be.  She will do whatever it takes to become President of the United States .

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1.  Happen to (meaning: by chance)

I happened to see her in the mall

=> I saw her in the mall by chance.

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Fall a victim to (meaning: A person or thing destroyed in the pursuit of an object or in gratification of a passion)

She fell a victim to jealousy and completely ruined their relationship.

=> This means that:  Their relationship was destroyed because of her jealousy.

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這裡, “strike a social bargain” means: 達成了社會上的協議 

=> It means: to reach a social agreement  


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