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Hard and fast = fixed, unchangeable

硬性, 不變


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 Blow your wig (back)

= Surprise you.

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Move the needle

To make a significant impact

To make a noticeable difference

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Sometimes one phrase may consist of several different meanings.  You should choose whichever meaning makes the most sense for that sentence.   

 In the case of "If you are bugged out, please yell out for help", to interpret it as “如果你突然離開, 請大聲求救” or “如果你顯示出驚慌恐懼時,請大聲求救 would be illogical.


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= 自卑過甚、自暴自棄, 過於自卑而不知自重

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堅持 (愛情) 

Adj. => Undeviating, unwavering, unfaltering.

Noun => preseverance, persistence

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Give someone the back of one’s hand = Reject or feel contempt

, 駁回, 否決, 輕蔑, 鄙視


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(A) 隨遇而安: 能安於所處的環境。



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微不足道 = no biggie, no big deal 


不客氣 = Don’t mention it.

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Leave things better than I found them.

Leave this world better than I found it.

Leave everything better than I found it.

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在職進修 = On-the-job training

進修課程  = training course, training class

研習會 = workshop

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1: /不要吃別人智慧

Don’t steal other people’s wisdom

Here, you cannot translate Chinese to English word for word.  "不要吃” cannot be translated as “don’t eat”.  That would be wrong.  In a sense, "不要吃" means "不要盜", because if you take something that is not yours, it is a stealing.

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All bark and no bite

= empty threat

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All hat, no cattle (All hat and no cattle)

= Big hat, no cattle

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Get something into one’s head
(1) = to begin to think that something is true even though there is no good reason for believing it.


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When life throws you a curve ball.


What does this mean? 

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I came across this phrase on the wrapping of a Dove chocolate.  I thought that it is interesting, so I decided to share with you. 

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

So what does this phrase mean?

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歪理, 牽強之詞, 牽強附會, 強詞奪理, 詭辯

Sophism (n.)
Quibble (n. v.)

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Vulgar-chic style
a style that mixes vulgar with chic


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stick it to (someone), Slang. to take advantage of; treat unfairly.



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