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Is it Truly Over?


Finally it is over.  After 20 days of crippling political deadlock over a projected $5 billion deficit, the longest government shutdown in recent US history has come to an end.  As a Minnesota taxpayer, I am extremely displeased with Dayton’s decision for the shut down considering the cost.  Minnesota lost millions of dollars in revenue and got saddled with millions in new expenses over the past few weeks with the widespread state government shutdown.  In revenue, the state was estimated to lose $1.25 million per day from lost lottery sales, $50,000 per week on MnPass collections from the motorists who used express lanes to beat the traffic, and $200,000 a day of state park revenue from 90,000 potential state park campers and visitors daily.  In addition, the Giants Ridge golf resort was estimated with a loss of $80,000 for the first week of shutdown.  In expense, an estimated $13 million a week of unemployment benefits were given to roughly 22,000 freshly laid-off state employees who were entitled to collect 50 percent of their pay while not working. More significant was the interruption in highway construction with more than 100 road projects shut down by MnDOT in the middle of the construction season. 

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Short Stories by Elisa English


(2) A Fictional Story: A Glimpse of the Past

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As you know, I can’t stand the heat.  I completely lost my appetite while I was back in Taiwan in June.  Now that I am back to the US and the weather starts to get hotter, all I am thinking is sitting there doing nothing.  As the weather gets hotter, I feel drowsier and more lethargic.  I have to try to keep myself active so I don't sleep all day long like our cat.  It is hard to keep motivated to stay alert.  I hate summers for the heat and the mosquitoes. 


Updated: 7/12/11

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122 days

122 days.  Four months in total, from end of February 2011 to end of June 2011.  Is there any significance in those days?  It is the length of time that it took to end a dispute with the almighty tax agencies.  It took me several letters and phone calls, tons of phone transfers, and numerous hours listening to hold music to finally put the dispute to closure and to have them correct the mistake that they made.  I wasted approximately 2 hours each time I called.  The inefficiency and the incompetency are just beyond words can describe.  

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A tough balance to strike


If you are close to us, you would know that we hardly push our kids to do things against their will, mostly due to our laissez-faire parenting style.  However, that doesn’t mean that we do not discipline our kids, care nothing about their education or let them get completely out of control. 

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Hi, I am back from vacation.  I have been in Taiwan for almost a month.  The trip was pleasant but some of the phenomenon we saw was quite disturbing especially in the younger generation around the age of 18 and 40, which makes us question if we should shorten our visits in the future.  I am still contemplating if I should write about what we saw.  Anyway, we were able to visit Alishan while we were there this time.  We have been discouraged by our family members to pay a visit to the place in the past because of the notorious Chinese tourists.  We were lucky that there were no Chinese tourists there this time until we got off the mountain.  It was great to get away from the heat for a few days.  We love the tea and the tea owner of 阿里山日出商 (嘉義縣阿里山鄉中正村32) I will write about our stay in Taiwan when I have time.  I am still trying to recover from the jet lag and stay awake at work.  So if you don't hear from me, it is because I am still feeling fatigued from the trip. 


By the way, the majority of our stay was at Le Meridian Taipei (台北寒舍艾美酒店 http://www.lemeridien-taipei.com/) in the center of Taipei Singyi District where Shin Kong Misukoshi and Taipei 101 are located.  The amenities of the hotel are great.  I would recommend staying at this hotel if you plan to visit Taipei.

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  • May 30 Mon 2011 21:22
  • Notice

As summer approaches, I will become extremely busy, taking vacations, working on project implementation or engaging in outdoor activities.  If you have any question for me, expect longer than usual time from me to respond.  I will always get back to you, but don't be surprised if it takes me more than 20 days to get back to you.  


From Elisa English on May 30th, 2011

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Are you happy?  -  A poem by Elisa English


Are you happy? 

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The question “Why”


As we see other kids, the question “why” would sometimes pop up.  You might think that it is more about comparison and competition, but I would like to think that it is just an innocent question of why.

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A Copycat


I am sorry that I have to bore you with yet another article related to cats.

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