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What is a Pronoun?

A pronoun is used in place of a noun or noun phrase, the antecedent, previously mentioned to avoid redundancy, or to refer to the person speaking or the person listening.


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To accurately translate the term “白目” into English isn’t an easy task, as there is not a single word that can perfectly capture the essence of its meaning.  This term originates from Taiwanese. 

I found the Chinese interpretation of it from Wikipedia.  http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%99%BD%E7%9B%AE


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人生三大不幸: 少年得志,中年失業,臨老入花叢

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A.  Bespeak


1.  To speak; to address; to show; to indicate; 提出; 指示; 建議; 表示, 顯示

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How to become a member of pixnet and be able to leave me a message?


A few of you have stated the frustration with signing up for a pixnet account.  It is actually pretty easy.  I am sorry that I have requested you to be a member of pixnet in order to leave me messages and also to be added as my friend to be able to leave comments on my article.  All these are set up to discourage some people from sabotaging my articles and to protect myself from any vicious attack.  It helps me to ban inappropriate messages and be able to blacklist any reader with a hidden agenda. 

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Talking about my daughter’s obsession with Hello Kitty was a digression from the topic about Minnesota winter in the article “Is it a fluke?”  To make it easier for the readers to find what they want to read, I decided to pull out the content related to my daughter’s obsession and write a separate article about it.  I also post some pictures, just for kicks. 


Talking about Hello Kitty, my daughter has a complete wardrobe of Hello Kitty clothes, jackets, socks, pants, shorts, tops, dresses, underwear, skirts, belt, leggings, umbrella, slippers, swimsuit, sunglasses, lip balms, hair brush, mirror, head band, pony tail, bandage, tattoos, backpack, handbag, lunchboxes, water bottles, glues, pencil sharpener, crayons, pens, marker, stickers, stamps, plates, bowls, spoons, folks, cups, alarm clock, toothbrushes, toothpaste, DVDs, books, Christmas stocking, piggybank, toy cell phone, candy, plush toys, dresser toy with music, puzzles, ring toss rings with base of Hello Kitty, and etc.  You name it.  We have it.  As you can see, I might have given in too quickly to her.   

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Elisa 講解: 詞句解析及翻譯  


Here, rotten little puke is used to describe the sister, indicating that the sister 
is rotten and is like a puke. 
Slam my finger in the door => meaning: When I violently shut the door, I get 
my finger pinched in the door

Elisa’s Translation:

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Verb Tense Summary (for details, please see links)  


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The Simple Present Tense (簡單現在式)


The simple present is used to describe, indicate or express

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Commonly confused words

Compose vs. Comprise vs. Constitute

1.  Compose (v.): to make up, to constitute, to form, 組成

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