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If you want to stay out of the spotlight, don’t bring my daughter with you.  Her non-stop chatting invites too much attention.  She is not a girl to be ignored or temporized.  She will make sure that you hear every word she said.  Wouldn’t you chuckle at the statement, “Hey, you are not listening” followed by the action of twisting your head towards her!  If you hear her talk, you will be illluded into thinking that you hear voice of a nightingale.  (I am probably over-exaggerated again.)    Wherever she goes, we will have strangers smiling at us, saying that she is so cute and her voice so sweet.  Occasionally, we will have strangers coming up to her, asking her name and age.  Luckily, she doesn’t know her home address and phone number. 


The problem with kids growing up in America is being overly friendly.  She is just like a typical American kid, unwary of strangers.  This reminds me of the little girl I met at the swimming pool.  She is not as talkative as my daughter; however, friendlier.  My daughter would not approach a stranger directly.  This little girl came up to us and started telling us stories like we were her best friends.

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統計研究方法:  Cross-sectional study (橫斷性研究) vs. longitudinal study (縱貫性研究)


What is a Longitudinal Study vs. a Cross-sectional Study?

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You can probably tell by now that I am a pretty determined and persistent person.  Coloring at a salon costs too much.  If I can save $600 to $1,200 a year coloring my own hair, I can eat all I want.  Talking about food, I am gaining my weight back again.  I need body fat to sustain the bitter cold. 


Anyway, back to hair coloring.  I decided to give it another try.  This time, I decided to use a new bottle of coloring cream and used up the entire bottle.  In addition, I let the color sit on my hair longer.  Instead of coloring the hair in 30 minutes, I doubled the time to an hour.  Third time is a charm.  I am glad to say that I have finally succeeded in coloring my own hair.  Though I do not have hair highlights like I get from a beauty salon, I am glad that I am able to cover up my gray hair.  I will see how it goes.  Maybe I will add some hair highlights later. 

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I am really puzzled. 


Is Taiwan a country? 

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Kids Educational Games websites – Primary / Elementary School Students


Since I have talked about the favorite books that I like to read to our kids and the favorite books that my son likes to read, it doesn’t make sense to stop there without sharing with you some of the websites that my son visits.  They are websites provided by my son’s school.  We live in a very good school district.  The resource provided by the school is exceptionally good.  It is both entertaining and educational.  I only have time to browse the information provided through 3rd grade.  The one that my son likes to play the most is the game at planetturtle.com.   However, we are unable to log on from home.  I think that it has something to do with how our wireless system is set up.  We have to go to our local library to log on to the site so he can play.  He likes it a lot because he can play with kids from his school if they are logged on. 

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一個願打, 一個願挨 vs. 一個銅板敲不響

These two phrases do not share the same meaning


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The difference between the two words is subtle.  However, "collaborate" has another meaning which is negative.  See meaning #2 under "collaborate". 



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Don’t know any better


This phrase means “someone does something bad or stupid because they have not been told or taught that it is wrong

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African Proverb:

When eating an elephant, take one bite at a time.

You must eat an elephant one bite at a time.

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It always makes you feel good when you find someone who sees eye to eye with you.  When I found Paul Brians' website, I was ecstatic.  He said exactly how I felt.  He took the words right out of my mouth. 


I would like to quote what Paul Brians, English Literature professor of Washington State University said about English usage (http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/ ). " You should use nonstandard English only when you intend to, rather than fall into it because you don’t know any better.  The fact is that the world is full of teachers, employers, and other authorities who may penalize you for your nonstandard use of the English language.  Feel free to denounce these people if you wish; but if you need their good opinion to get ahead, you'd be wise to learn standard English”.  

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