十年修得同船渡 百年修得共枕眠的英文怎麼翻譯?
** 百年一次輪迴
** 做夫妻,是講緣分的。 所以,珍惜眼前人,珍惜眼前事。
Based on the above meanings I found, these are my translations:
Literal translation (直譯):
(1) It takes a decade of cultivation for two people to ride on the same boat. It takes a lifetime of cultivation for two people to share the same pillow.
(2) Riding on the same boat requires a decade of cultivation; whilst, sharing the same pillow, a century.
(3) Riding on the same boat requires a decade of cultivation; whilst, sharing the same pillow, a lifetime.
(4) A decade of cultivation to ride on the same boat. A lifetime of reincarnation to share the same pillow.
(5) A decade of cultivation to ride on the same boat. A lifetime of reincarnation to become a couple.
Moral (寓意):
(1) Fate brings us together as a couple, cherish every encounter and embrace the relationship.
(2) Love and cherish the people with whom fate brings you together (as a couple).
** 版權所有 - Elisa