馬克吐溫 Mark Twain
An average English word is four letters and a half. By hard, honest labor I've dug all the large words out of my vocabulary and shaved it down till the average is three and a half. . . . I never write metropolis for seven cents, because I can get the same money for city. I never write policeman, because I can get the same price for cop. . . . I never write valetudinarian at all, for not even hunger and wretchedness can humble me to the point where I will do a word like that for seven cents; I wouldn't do it for fifteen. – By Mark Twain
我絕不用『valetudinarian』這個字,即使飢餓和悲慘都不能使我順服的為了七分錢而使用這個字, 就算是十五分錢, 我也不會寫.
Mark Twain stressed the importance of not using longer words as it is easier for the readers to understand. Like I always said, short and sweet.
** 版權所有 - Elisa
Read Mark Twain’s speech: http://www.twainquotes.com/19060920.html