I once learned about Yahoo’s analytical tool from a blog I read. I thought that it would be interesting to find out more about how people get to my site. I am assuming that it is mostly directed from Yahoo Knowledge. Even though I have a blog from Yahoo, I could not find that analytical tool. Recently, I did a search on this topic and found out that the functionality is there but you will have to apply to get one. Anyway, I decided to give it a try. I don’t know if it will work because I am a computer idiot. I will let you know what happened.
-- Updated 1/4/09 at 10pm --
Experiencing this new tool for a day, I now validate my thought that people came to my site through direct link. I think it confirms that people get to know my site from Yahoo Knowledge. It is interesting to know that no matter how many times you visited the site in a day, it is counted as once. However, it also counts your own visit as one too. The cutoff time of Yahoo blog’s internal statistical system seems different from that of Yahoo’s analytical tool. As it shows 10 people visited my blog today but Yahoo’s analytical tool shows only 5 people (including myself). Anyway, it is interesting to experiment new gadget, but I will yank it for now, as it serves very little value to me at this point.