I am sorry. I don’t really get what you meant. I will explain to you with the information I have.
有關X 10mg的庫存量,經確認這個部分是沒問題的。至於X 5mg庫存量為0這個部份應該也是沒有問題的。因此我猜想您覺得有出入的部分應該是售價的問題。
We have confirmed that there was not a problem regarding the inventory of X 10mg. There should also be no problem with the inventory of X 5mg being zero. I guessed what you thought to be the discrepancy was the problem with sales price.
如果您的有差異的部份是X 10mg總售價的部份,
If the difference was the total sales price for X 10mg, I would like to explain to you that the research on X is still going on in Taiwan ; even though it is getting to an end, there are still portions of the drugs provided to the patients for clinical trial. Since these drugs are getting expired, we will reduce the dosages and ask the patients to stop taking the drugs.
但因為有部分的藥物被移去做臨床研究,這個部份是免費提供給病人的因此不列入計價,所以您可能會覺得價錢與使用量之間有差異。 However, some of the drugs were used for clinical trial, which were provided to the patients free of charge, and thus were not included in the total price, which might lead you to believe that there was a difference between sales price and usage.
I don’t know how the previous product manager dealt with this. However, I have done my best to explain to you with all the facts that I have. According to the inventory, this drug will last up to May in Taiwan . Thus, we may only need to communicate until May. I wish that you can cover for us as much as you can. Your help is greatly appreciated!
See link below for the difference between clinical research, studies and trials. http://www.cff.org/research/ClinicalResearch/
Research is a general term used to describe efforts to explore and understand things that are not clear to us.
A clinical study is a type of research—also called observational research—in which participants are observed. Drugs are not used.
A clinical trial is a type of research—also called interventional research—that follows certain guidelines set up by the government to allow drugs or treatments to be tested with people.
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