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目前分類:諺語名言 (24)

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Share a common fate;  Lips and teeth relationship


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Today is Good Friday.  I probably shouldn't introduce a rude phrase.  But, what the hell, learning knows no bounds.  By the way, I am not a Christian nor am I a Buddhist; though I do believe in Buddhism.  


Anyway, back to the subject.  While I was watching a movie, I came across this slang "talk to the hand".  It is used to say in a rude way to tell someone that you do not wish to listen to what they have to say and that they may as well stop. 

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Nail in the coffin:  something that brings one closer to a seemingly unavoidable negative outcome.  "the last nail in the coffin" or "another nail in the coffin":  equivalent to "the last straw". 最後一根稻草;使人最終崩潰的一擊


His infidelity is another nail in the coffin to end his marriage.

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Knock on wood   老天保佑

When we don't want something bad to happen, we knock on wood to ward off impending bad luck and to assure that good luck will continue. 


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Almost another 2 years have passed from my last entry.  Sorry, I am getting lazier and lazier as I get older.  

By the way, I was watching a korean movie:  The Con Artist, with English subtitles and came across this idiom “by the skin of one’s teeth”, which means barely, by a narrow margin, just in time, 差一點點就不成 , 險勝

For Example:

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French Proverb:  While the dogs growled at each other, the wolves devoured the sheep. 


While the dogs growled at each other, the wolves devoured the sheep.

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Some interesting quotes around proof and evidence:


Absence of proof is not proof of absence.

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African Proverb:

When eating an elephant, take one bite at a time.

You must eat an elephant one bite at a time.

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Thorns do not prick you unless you lean against them

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Just for fun.  Phrases using body parts or sort of.



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"得知所要, 享之所得" (To get what you want.  To enjoy what you get.)

洛根.皮爾薩爾.史密斯 (Logan Pearsall Smith) 名言原文

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Be careful what you set your heart upon, for you will surely have it.

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Le rire, c’est le soleil; il chasse l’hiver du visage humain (French)


English Translation:

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This is from William Shakespeare “As you Like it”, Act III, scene iii.


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(1) 泰勒:科學管理不容許一隻會唱歌的鳥不唱歌。

Frederick Winslow Taylor: "Scientific Management has no place for a bird that can sing, and won't sing,"

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一種近乎懶惰的沉穩,一直是我們投資風格的基石 - 巴菲特名言
Lethargy, bordering on sloth remains the cornerstone of our investment style. – Warren Buffett.

當別人貪婪時 您要恐懼..... 當別人恐懼時 您要貪婪

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I will start to compile some of my quotes here.  I believe they were not spoken by others prior to me.  If someone else did say something similar or the same, I will have to say great minds think alike.  Anyway, if you see these spoken somewhere else, please let me know.  I am trying to build a legacy of my own, starting from providing some of my words of wisdom.



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馬克吐溫  Mark Twain

An average English word is four letters and a half. By hard, honest labor I've dug all the large words out of my vocabulary and shaved it down till the average is three and a half. . . . I never write metropolis for seven cents, because I can get the same money for city. I never write policeman, because I can get the same price for cop. . . . I never write valetudinarian at all, for not even hunger and wretchedness can humble me to the point where I will do a word like that for seven cents; I wouldn't do it for fifteen. – By Mark Twain


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Auguste Rodin’s Quote

藝術大師 羅丹 名言


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There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so


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