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This is from William Shakespeare “As you Like it”, Act III, scene iii.


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This is an interesting topic that I came across on Yahoo knowledge.   



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A man can do as he wills, but not will as he wills

= A man can do as he wills, but cannot will as he wills.

=> will is used as a verb here.

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Explicating a poem 如何寫英文詩賞


(1) 該如何以英文essay寫英詩的賞析? discuss the poem但是要以essay方式寫出. 那到底要寫出的是對詩的感覺/感想/還是以它的格式做討論啊?

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When life throws you a curve ball.


What does this mean? 

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I came across this phrase on the wrapping of a Dove chocolate.  I thought that it is interesting, so I decided to share with you. 

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

So what does this phrase mean?

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Just for fun.  These are a few of my translation:



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This review contains my personal political view.  I don’t talk about Taiwan ’s politics much because I don’t live in Taiwan but that does not mean that I don’t have my own political view.  I don’t engage in debates with others on what works best for the Taiwanese because it is you who live in Taiwan, who have the sovereignty over the land of Formosa .  I don’t force people to see it the same way as I do and I am not interested in arguing with you over it either.  As I stated earlier in my blog titled “What my blog is and what it is not”, it is also a place where I vent my frustration, talk about things I see and books I read.  You have the freedom to walk away and I have the freedom to write as long as it is not used as weapon to kill anyone. 


Anyway, back to my review of “The Count of Monte Cristo”.  You might wonder why I kept reading books like these.  Maybe I like riding the rollercoaster of emotions.  Maybe I am attracted to the torturing of my soul.  Maybe I just enjoy indulging in melancholy and suspense.

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Tips to improve your English writing skill:


1.        Concise and brief.  Remember “short and sweet”. 

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The differences among cohortative mood (勸告語氣), the imperative mood (祈使語氣) and the jussive mood (命令語氣).


A.  Cohortative (勸告語氣) is a volitive mood of the 1st person, a plural form of exhortation, used to express plea, wish, desire, and intent. 

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