
Usage of Comma (2 of 3)


E.  Use comma to set off expressions that interrupt sentence flow.  By the way, they are used mostly in verbal English.


For example: 

I am, as you have probably noticed, very nervous about this.

The answer, as you will, lies with you.

John Smith, or should I say Mr. Thompson, is a true spy.

He is, I believe, the tallest person in the world.

He is, I suppose, the tallest person in the world.
I would
, however, be very disappointed in him if I find out that he lied to me.

Jamie’s proposal is, without a doubt, the cleverest recommendation he has ever come up with.

She is, of course, the best teacher one can find.

I was clinging to my life, so to speak, when you found me.




F.  Use commas to set off introductory elements of the sentence.  Sometimes, at the beginning of a sentence, the conjunctive adverbs (or adverbial conjunction) will act as a kind of summing up device or transition, and when it does, it is often set off from the rest of the sentence with a comma:


引導詞句(副詞),用逗點隔開, 形容主要.  

有時,在句副詞連接詞作為總結或轉折時,用逗點隔開其餘的句子 (please see for the list of 副詞連接詞 that apply)


For example:

(1)  Accidentally, he stepped on a dog’s shits.

=> Accidentally 副詞用來形容主要 “he stepped on a dog’s shits”.

= He stepped on a dog’s shits accidentally.


(2)  Gradually, he has come to his senses.

= He has come to his senses gradually.


(3)  However, he is not someone to be taken lightly.    


(4) So, the sheriff peremptorily removed the child from the custody of his parents
=> So

(5) Still, I am uncomfortable staying with him.
=> Still


(6) In short, we should watch our hands diligently to prevent from getting ill.


G.  Use commas to set off “explanatory” expressions, which break the logical sequence of words. 


For example:

(1)  The plan, as much as is humanly impossible, actually works.

(2)  I cannot, for the life of me, forgive you for committing such a crime.

(3)  I will never go to Paris again, so far as I am concerned, after that incident.

(4)  His proposal, and it seems feasible to me, if implemented will bring in huge revenue to the company.


H.  Use commas to set off words or phrases expressing contrast.


For example:

(1)  I am the one who facilitates the meeting, not you. 

(2)  I will wait for you until 9pm, not until 10pm.

(3)  We should embrace the world, not thrash it. 



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