
Which vs. Where:

1. I like to go to a park which is very quiet 這裡的which是不是可以換成where?


=> No.  用法有些不同


(A)  I like to go to a park which is very quiet.

= I like to go to a park that is very quiet.


=> which, that (關代)

a park -  名詞 (先行詞)

Which, that  - 關代

Which is very quiet, that is very quiet -形容詞子句


** The park is very quiet.

It is a very quiet park.



形容詞子句當修飾人或物, who, whom, which, that 等關係代名詞連接。

See 何為形容詞子句?


(B) 換成where, 需要改

I like to go to a park where it is very quiet.

= I like to go to a park in which it is very quiet. 



** It is very quiet in the park.



Which vs. That

 Have you ever heard a story which touched your heart? 這裡的which等於that嗎?
什麼時候不使用which?  什麼時候不使用that ?

Have you ever heard a story which touched your heart?

= Have you ever heard a story that touched your heart?



什麼時候使用that 較使用which更為恰當? 

下情況使用that 使用which更為恰當, 使用which也沒有

(a) 在代名詞之後: all, any, anything, every, everything, few, little, many, much, no, nothing, none, some, something

 He is all that she ever wants. 

 (b) 在回答 “what”動詞之後: 例如: say, suggest, state, declare, hope, think, write, 等情況下:

(What does he suggest?)

He suggests that we wait for a few more days.

(c) 在由最高級形容詞修飾的名詞之後:

She is the tallest girl that I have ever seen.


(d) 在序數之後例如: first, second, third, fourth,…

He is the third person that does not criticize me.


(e) 如果在主句的動詞是BE動詞時:

It is a crime that nobody can solve.


什麼時候不能使用 that?

=> 非限定用法不能使用 that.


如果一個形容詞子句從句子除,主句的意思改變, 為限定子句。

通常與主句之間沒有加逗點分離.  多數形容詞句是限定用法

非限定用法的形容詞子句與主句之間加逗點分離關係代名詞 “that” 不可用於非限定用法, 關係代名詞於非限定用法不可省略


關代的限定用法 vs. 非限定用法?


限定用法, 所指的不只一個

(a) Employers who care for their employees have higher employee satisfaction.   (限定用法)


= Employers that care for their employees have higher employee satisfaction.   (限定用法)

** Employers have higher employee satisfaction.   (形容詞子句從句子移除,主句的意思改變 -限定用法)

雇主有較高的員工滿意度。 意思改變

(b) My brother-in-law (who was) awarded with a Nobel Prize is 19 years old.  (I have many brother-in-laws.  I am talking about the brother-in-law who was awarded with a Nobel Prize)

那個榮獲諾貝爾獎的姐夫是19 (我有不只一個姐夫)


(II) 限定用法:


非限定用法, 所指的只此一個, 所提供的資料是附加補充的

(a)  Reading books, which I often do, help to increase my knowledge. 限定用法


Reading books help to increase my knowledge.  (基本含義並沒有改變)



(b) My brother-in-law, who was awarded with a Nobel Prize, is 19 years old.  (I have only one brother-in-law and he is 19 years old.  By the way, he got a Nobel Prize. )

 我的姐夫獲得了諾貝爾獎, 19 (我只有一個姐夫)


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