Expiry date: Printed on the box
Date of expiry: Printed on the box
這些產品是用天然食材製作,為了確保 產品品質 及 衛生安全,請不要陽光直射 及 在高溫潮濕處。)))
These products are made of natural ingredients. To maintain food quality and safety, please avoid exposure to direct sunlight, heat or moisture.
It is better to use the words “food safety” because we are talking about food here.
It is incorrect to use the word hygiene or health security here.
Hygiene means 衛生
For example:
His personal hygiene is gross.
Health security 健康安全(措施)
When we talk about health, it usually means the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor. So these words are not the right usage here.
天然食材 = natural ingredients.
食品安全 = food safety
** Maybe, there are several products in a box. For example: a box can contain nuts products, candy products, etc.
** 版權所有 - Elisa