Snow in April
Is it hard to imagine having snow in April? If you live in Minnesota , it is not an uncommon phenomenon. These are some pictures that I took this morning from our house. The view is our backyard.
Did I tell you that we live in woods and with all kinds of animals? If you are interested to learn the different kinds of animals we live with, read this article. By the way, we do live in the metropolitan area, not a farm area or a remote mountain area. To tell you the truth, there are no mountains in Minnesota.
By the way, you can probably see that our screen door was damaged.
Do you know who was the culprit behind this crime? It was the pheasant that lives on our deck. Can you see the footprints? Somehow he decided to camp on our deck about a month ago. I don’t know why. However, I am starting to see this as a trend. Animals are starting to camp in or near our house. Take the chipmunk for instance, he has been living in our garage for over a year. We have tried every method to rid off him but in vain. We also have racoons living on our roof. And now the pheasant on our deck. Someday, I will manage to take a picture of him to show you. He is gorgeous like a peacock with fabulous feathers. However, he is very alert and will fly away the instant he hears the noise. So up till today, I haven’t gotten any luck of taking a picture of him.
If you come to visit us and hear someone knocking on our deck, don't be alarmed. It is just the pheasant.
- From Elisa, written at 3:57pm on 4/5/09