What does "without citing anyone" mean?
In general, this phrase is normally seen used in journalism to indicate that the source is not revealed, without stating where the source is from, without stating who said that.
通常用於新聞報導 - 沒有引述消息來源, 沒有引述出處, 沒有提及誰說的
For example:
(1) Nissan Motor Co will begin selling a subcompact car in Japan for about 800,000 yen ($6,930) to 900,000 yen as early as 2009, Nikkei English News reported, without citing anyone.
See China Daily: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2007-09/25/content_6131267.htm
(2) TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Taiwan ’s Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank may boost its stake in China ’s Bank of Shanghai through its Hong Kong unit, the Economic Daily News reported, without citing anyone.
See The China Post: http://www.chinapost.com.tw/business/2008/02/22/144077/Shanghai-Commercial.htm
(3) China plans to spend 19 billion yuan (US$2.3 billion) this year to expand power grids that service the country's eastern cities because shortages threaten economic growth, state news agency Xinhua reported without citing anyone.
See Taipei Times: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/worldbiz/archives/2004/01/05/2003086481/print
(4) Starbucks Corp. (SBUX:US) may rise as much as 30 percent in the next year as the coffee maker lowers its operating costs and attracts customers with more menu choices and cheaper beverages, Barron's said, without citing anyone. The stock rose 3 cents to $14.96 in regular trading. (“ Barron’s” is an investor’s newspaper)
(5) Cairn Energy Plc ( CNE LN ): Cairn Energy will say this week that its oil field in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan will yield close to 275 million barrels of oil, at the top end of analysts' forecasts, the Sunday Telegraph said, without citing anyone. The shares fell 23 pence, or 1.5 percent, to 1,474 pence.
If you want to understand how the word "cite" can be used in other situations, here they are.
"Cite" could mean "given a warning" - 警告, "summon" - 傳喚, "quote" - 引用, “commend” - 提及, “honor formally as in military” - 給予 (榮譽, 勳章等)
See http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/cite
For example:
One of my answers was removed because I was cited for posting a link to Youtube, which is a violation to Yahoo's posting rule.
He was cited for speeding.
He was cited to appear to court for murdering his wife.
His document on human behavior was cited several times by other scholars.
給予 (榮譽, 勳章等) 給予 (榮譽, 勳章等):
He was cited for his outstanding achievements.
However, it is not always possible to use the phrase "without citing anyone" under the above situations. Try to use that phrase on them may seem awkward.
Maybe you can say:
I was not cited for posting the links to Youtube.
Links to Youtube were removed without citing anyone.
Nobody was cited to appear in court for this murder case.
A famous statement about human behavior was quoted on several papers without citing anyone.
Nobody was cited for outstanding achievements.
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