I mentioned to my husband the other day that I have volunteered to be a Mandarin Chinese speaker for the Bravo (musical) and Art Masterpiece program in Chinese Immersion Class at my son’s school if my schedule allows. His reaction was that I would add more harm than help because of my poor Chinese. He likes to joke about my poor Chinese language ability. That was not very encouraging. I know that my Chinese is not very good but I think that I should be able to handle a bunch of elementary school students between the ages of 5 to 7 with English as mother tongue. His next response was that I did not have any musical or art background to introduce the musical piece or the art masterpiece. I argued that the school will provide the material. (I hope so.) Then he came back with the comment that I would make a fool of myself if I cannot answer the questions from the students. That may be true.
What a non-supporting spouse! He is my talking cricket. If you have read Pinocchio, you would know what I meant!
Anyway, I am excited that my son is going to Kindergarten this coming fall. I asked him if he is excited. He gave me an indifferent look. Oh well, like a Chinese proverb: “The emperor is not anxious, worried the eunuch to death”. Anyway, we will just have to wait and see how things go.
** By the way, I translated 皇帝不急, 急死太監 as "The emperor is not anxious, worried the eunuch to death". => The emperor is not anxious but the enunch is worried to death.