I am such a genius. Alright, I am not really one. I am just impressed with myself because I just saved $128.74. In this economy, a penny saved is more than a penny earned.
This was what happened. Our water boiler broke last night. It created a panic in our house. I was charged with the task to replace it. By the way, the water boiler that we currently have is Zojirushi CD DEC50. This is what it looks like. http://www.amazon.com/Zojirushi-CD-DEC50-5-29-Quart-Electric-Dispensing/dp/B00004S572
We bought it right at the time when my son was born, in the event that my mom would have to warm any expressed frozen breast milk after my maternity leave came to an end. What's more, for my mom’s benefit, she would have easy access to warm water whenever she needed it while she was here with us. This water boiler has lasted over 7 years and now the plastic upper inner lid above the stainless steam shield is eroded from the steam. Some of the areas have disintegrated into crumbling powder.
Anyway, around lunch time today, I started researching for a new Zojirushi water boiler. I am quite impressed with the Zojirushi CV-DSC40 VE Hybrid Water Boiler and Warmer, Stainless Steel. This is what it looks like.
http://www.amazon.com/Zojirushi-CV-DSC40-Hybrid-Boiler-Stainless/dp/B000MAFJRM It looks high tech to me. Maybe I shouldn’t say high tech, but it is stainless steel and it is vacuum-insulated, a plus for energy efficiency. In addition, it comes with three different temperature settings at 175, 195 and 208. Unlike the one we currently own, which comes with only two temperature settings at 140 and 203. The drawback is that it comes with only the 4-liter capacity but not the large 5-liter capacity which we prefer. It sells at $149.99 at Amazo.com with no tax or shipping charges, which sounds like a pretty good deal. I was about to purchase it when I browsed Zojirushi’s corporate website, started reading the manuals of the water boilers and found out about the replacement parts. It turns out that the lid is replaceable and it would only cost me $21.15 to replace it, including shipping and handling charges.
What a deal! I scolded my husband for not telling me this option and steer me right into purchasing a new one. I have always assumed that when something breaks, the only route is to buy a new one.