My neighbor who moved in roughly two years ago always strikes me as someone rather peculiar. I can never figure him out. My husband thought that he is an architect who also teaches at University of Minnesota. However, he looks more like a British secret agent to me. But I would not say that he shares the resemblance of Sir Sean Connery, someone whom I believe to be the most handsome person in the world along with Tom Cruise, Mickey Rourke and Val Kilmer. Okay, there you go. The cat is out of the bag. These are the actors I secretly admire.
Anyway, all the clues seem to point him to a secret agent. He spends half of his time at an island near England and the other half in Minnesota. He owns a residence in that island. He spent, without a wink, half a million on a house, which I believe should be appraised at roughly $350k in such a down housing market. You might think that half a million is not a big deal. But remember we are talking about houses in Minnesota. Home prices in Minnesota are a lot cheaper than those in California. Similar type of houses will sell close to $900k in a down market in San Francisco.
Though his lifestyle doesn’t strike me as lavish, he doesn’t seem to care or worry about money. When we were trick-or-treating this year and asking for donation to UNICEF, he gave us a $5 bill, the biggest amount of all donations we gathered. Usually, you would get quarters only.
He is often nowhere to be found. We see more of his housekeeper than him. He has a dog. There is not a mistress in his house. He has a convertible. All these seem to fit the bill of a secret agent. By the way, he doesn’t seem to work for a corporation from 8am to 5pm either, as I would run into him whenever I worked from home, took the day off or when I had to stay home with a sick kid.
By the way, if you have been reading my articles, you probably know that I like to let my imagination run wild. Maybe I should consider writing fiction.