
So what is 外交休兵 or 活路外交?  To accurately translate what they would mean.  I search online and these are my translation based on what I found. 


(A) 活路外交

1.  From:


Elisa’s Translation: 

A passive foreign policy based on appeasing China.

Flexible diplomacy based on appeasing China. 


2. From:


Elisa’s Translation:

A way out on Taiwan’s foreign policy.

A breakthrough on Taiwan’s foreign policy.

Flexible diplomacy.


A breakthrough foreign policy focuses on dignity, practicality and flexibility without conflicting with the interests between China and Taiwan.


(B) 外交休兵

(1) From

a. 外交休兵指的是外交承認,這是從國際法來解釋。

Elisa’s Translation: 

Diplomatic recognition. (explained by international law).

b. 外交休兵指的是彼此對對方外交立場的調整,這是有效手段的第一步。

Elisa’s Translation:

Adjustment of diplomatic standing.


c. 外交休兵意指中共全面停止對台灣的外交打壓,這是台灣學者的想法。

Elisa’s Translation:

Complete cessation of China’s diplomatic suppression against Taiwan


d. 外交休兵是指兩岸優先於外交,雙方相互協助、彼此尊重。這是馬英九總統的想像。

Elisa’s Translation:

Priority of the relationship between mainland and Taiwan over Taiwan’s diplomatic ties with other countries.

Relationship between mainland and Taiwan takes priority over Taiwan's diplomatic ties with other countries.



e. 外交休兵指的是有條件給予台灣國際空間,這是中國官方的解釋。

Elisa’s Translation:

(e1) Grant Taiwan with limited international space under strict conditions.

(e2) Provide a limited space for Taiwan's participation in international activities with strict conditions.


f. 外交休兵在現階段指的是互不挖邦交國及擴大台灣國際參與,這是外交部長歐鴻鍊的想法。

Elisa’s Translation:

Stop the competition for diplomatic partners with China.  Focus on expanding Taiwan’s participation in international activities.



(2) From


Elisa’s translations:

(a) Break off diplomatic relations tying to economic aid.

(b) Stop using money as a tool for establishing diplomatic ties.

(c) End “money diplomacy” used to establish diplomatic relations.


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