
I feel so embarrassed to be an American, learning that so many American corporations gutlessly succumbing to Chinese for the money.  “It’s more than a little ludicrous for everyone from Ted Cruz to Beto O’Rourke to suddenly hand the NBA and the Rockets the tab for American toadying to authoritarians in Beijing.  (Shelly Jenkins, Washington Post, "Don’t be mad at the NBA. Hundreds of U.S. companies have sold out to China’s regime", 7 Oct. 2019)


Indeed, all these American corporations bowing obsequiously at China are nothing but lickspittles.  The title should not be “Don’t be mad at the NBA”.  It should be “Get mad at the NBA and all those toadies who cannot wait to curry favor with the Chinese” instead. 


Speaking about toady, you would be surprised at the number of words that can be used to describe this type of fawning person and this type of obsequious behavior. 




Toady; obsequious flatterer; sycophant; brownnoser; bootlicker; apple-polisher; fawner; lickspittle; suck-up


Indeed, all these American corporations bowing obsequiously at China are nothing but sycophants


Flunky or Flunkey

小弟、跑腿的。供人差遣的人:  one performing menial or miscellaneous duties

唯唯諾諾的人(只是一味附和,恭順聽從):  yes-man


The key behind China’s success is the brainwashed Chinese who are just a bunch of flunkies and see no ill behind their government’s actions.,




拍馬屁, 諂媚阿諛奉承,討好, 巴結

to be the toady to; to brownnose; to bootlick; to curry favor with; to apple-polish; to fawn over; to suck up to; to dance attention on


He waits upon China obsequiously, totally servile to China and turns a blind eye to humanity.  He is exactly a lapdog who sells out to China’s regime.


He is always dancing attention on his boss to appease him.


John has been brownnosing everyone in his school to try to get elected as student body president.  How could he sink this low?    




拍馬屁的, 諂媚阿諛奉承的, 像哈巴狗似的

Obsequious, bootlicking, fawning, sycophantic, toadyish, subservient


Speaking about toady, you would be surprised at the number of words that can be used to describe this type of fawning person and this type of obsequious behavior. 



拍馬屁地, 諂媚阿諛奉承地, 像哈巴狗似地



Indeed, all these American corporations bowing obsequiously at China are nothing but sycophants



Written by Elisa English

On October 13, 2019 in Minneapolis


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