當交通越趨於便利,捷運網絡更加綿密時,商圈間的競爭將更加的緊密,形同於同一 平台上相互競爭,唯有找到市場的空隙與消費者心中的位置者才能生存。






Elisa’s translation:

When transit becomes more convenient, the rapid transit system network spans and becomes more comprehensive, and the competition among the businesses becomes more intense, like competing on the same platform, you will have to find a niche market and what consumers really want, to be able to survive.


Since this is a very long sentence and may be hard to read, I will use a simpler sentence to explain this sentence structure.

=>  When the cookies are baked, the milk is poured, and the cheese is cut like stars, she will then come to the table to eat.


Dazhi area and Neihu line along Taipei Rapid Transit System have created a trend of luxury housing construction.

 Dazhi and Hsin-Yi areas both rank as the most luxurious housing areas in Taipei (selling at 7 to 8 million NT dollars).  When the rapid transit line is operative, it will bring more new housing constructions along the rapid transit line and the reconstructions of the existing housing to luxury housing.  There is a trend of an increase in population of high income earners in these areas.



I assumed that you mean that there are more people with higher income living in luxury houses.


By the way, 高級住宅 is translated as "luxury housing".


** 版權所有 - Elisa.


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