微不足道 = no biggie, no big deal 


不客氣 = Don’t mention it.


這是微不足道的, 我很樂意幫忙, ()客氣

No biggie. I am glad to help.  Don’t mention it.

It’s no big deal.  I am glad to help.  Don’t mention it.



This is what I should do for you.

This is my obligation to you.



This is my duty.

This is my obligation.



粗心大意 輕率 = Imprudent, rash, reckless

What a reckless boy!


Such a rash act!



好意 = Nice gesture, good intention.



1.  I really appreciate your nice gesture.

2.  I really appreciate your good intention.



1. I really appreciate your nice gesture.  That's very generous of you but I can't accept that. 

2.  I really appreciate your good intention.  However, it is my policy not to accept any gift. 

3.  Much as I appreciate the gesture, I cannot accept the gift.


For example:

Trying to impress us with her service,  the waitress gave us free ice cream.  However, my husband is allergic to peach, so he really couldn't appreciate her nice gesture. 


All your good intentions are well acknowledged.  I feel so fortunate to have all of you as friends.


** 版權所有 - Elisa.


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