Following are examples on how notwithstanding is used in different situations.

a)  Notwithstanding as preposition (介系詞)

Notwithstanding my strong opposition, John went the concert alone.

Notwithstanding my poor treatment to him, he is nice to me.
= In spite of my poor treatment to him, he is nice to me.


(Notwithstanding as preposition in clause 1)

Notwithstanding his niceness , I don’t like him.

b) Notwithstanding as conjunction (連接詞 - 附屬連接詞)

Notwithstanding I strongly opposed, John went to the concert alone.

Notwithstanding I treated him poorly, he is nice to me.
= Although I treated him poorly, he is nice to me.

(Notwithstanding as conjunction in clause 1)

Notwithstanding he is nice, I don’t like him.

c)  Notwithstanding as adverb (副詞)

I strongly opposed; John went to the concert alone, notwithstanding.

I treated John poorly; he is notwithstanding nice to me.
= I treated John poorly; he is nevertheless nice to me.

I treated him poorly; he is nice to me notwithstanding.

 (Notwithstanding as adverb in clause 2)


He is nice; I notwithstanding dislike him.
He is nice; I don’t like him, notwithstanding.

"notwithstanding" 詞性不同在句子內的放置位置是不同的, 一個在附屬子句, 一個在主要子句. One is place in the first clause, the other one in the second clause.


This is similar to the case when you use “although”, “In spite that”, “In spite of” vs. “but”, “yet”.
When "notwithstanding" is used as
副詞, it means "還是"
When "notwithstanding" is used as
附屬連接詞 or 介系詞, it means "雖然".

副詞: 還是
I hate him but he loves me.
I hate him; he still loves me.
I hate him; he nevertheless loves me.

I hate him; he notwithstanding loves me.



附屬連接詞: 雖然

Although I hate him, he loves me.
In spite that I hate him, he loves me.
Notwithstanding that I hate him, he loves me.

** 版權所有 - Elisa


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