
Translation by Elisa (that's me):


To exert evil is to loan from God, to take pleasure is to withdraw from God, and to conduct philanthropy is to deposit with God.


Deviling is loaning from God, indulging is withdrawing from God, and philanthropizing is depositing with God.


 When I said "To exert evil is to loan from God, to take pleasure is to withdraw from God, and to conduct philanthropy is to deposit with God”, I would add the following statements as complements.

When we exert evil, we are like asking a loan from God, left with nothing but debt. This impacts not only us ourselves, but our offspring.

When we take pleasure, we are like asking a withdrawal from God, gradually depleting our assets.

When we conduct philanthropy, we are like depositing our money with God, accumulating our assets and benefiting our offspring.

Though there is no such saying in English, these phrases are not as complicated as some Chinese proverbs. They are pretty easy to understand even without the complements.


**  Someone has argued that since there is no such saying in English, any translation would be considered as Chinglish.  I, however, disagree with that.  A lot of the Chinese proverbs and proverbs from other countries are not understandable by others due to cultural difference.  The best way is to try to explain what you are trying to portray.

I wouldn't say that any translation would be 中式英文.  Chinglish can be "created" by common patterns of grammatical errors, erroneous vocabulary usage and grammatically erroneous usage of English, which shows the writer "thinking in Chinese while writing in English".  This is a website which talks extensively about Chinglish and what qualifies as Chinglish. http://www.experiencefestival.com/chinglish_-_grammar  
This is an example of Chinglish: (I came across this answer at Yahoo Knowledge.)
such idea is knew after a friend.

The correction is: Such idea was formed after I got acquainted with someone.

Better: I came upon this idea after getting acquainted with someone.

** 版權所有 - Elisa


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