
I find your words offensive.

I find your words hurting.


I am offended by your words.


How do you describe a girl who hurts people easily?

=> It really depends on the type of words that the girl uses to hurt people or how she hurts people.

Sometimes, she can be sarcastic. She can be mean. She can be thorny with her words. She can be full of thorns. She can be quick to criticize.  She can have hurtful unconsidered words. 


By the way, being full of thorny words can be a reaction out of being defensive. (防禦)


You can use "offensive" to describe words but not a person.


"Assaultive" usually means physically aggressive, like physically assaulting someone, punching someone in the nose, or hitting someone in the stomach.

For example:
His assaultive behavior towards his wife needs to be stopped. Otherwise, his wife may end up in the emergency and he in the prison one day.


Use "aggressive" (積極大膽) in situations like this.

She is very aggressive and uses all kinds of tactics to get the boys she likes, luring them into her love net.



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