
Sentence structures:


Simple Sentence

A simple sentence is a single independent clause which contains a subject and a verb with a complete thought

For example:

I have a cat. (Independent clause)


Compound Sentence

A compound sentence contains more than one independent clause joined by a coordinating conjunction, a semicolon or a conjunctive adverb (which behaves like a coordinating conjunction).

Example 1:

Joanne is curious about that little boy but she is too shy to approach him.

Joanne is curious about that little boy à independent clause

but à coordinating conjunction

she is too shy to approach him à independent clause.


Example 2:

I like urban life; he enjoys city life.

I like urban life à independent clause

; à semicolon

he enjoys city life à independent clause


Example 3:

He loves Mary; however, he never asks her to go out with him.

He loves Mary à independent clause

however à conjunctive adverb

he never asks her to go out with him à independent clause



Complex Sentence

A complex sentence is made up of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.


Example 1:

Even though there were a huge group of people going to the haunted house, I decided to stay home because I got nightmares every time when I saw scary things.

Even though there were a huge group of people going to the haunted house à dependent clause

I decided to stay home à independent clause.

because I got nightmares every timeà dependent clause.

when I saw scary things à dependent clause.


Example 2:

My neighbor, who goes to college, has a crush on Mary; however, he never builds up his courage to talk to her

My neighbor has a crush on Mary à independent clause

who goes to college à dependent clause

however à conjunctive adverb

he never builds up his courage to talk to her à independent clause



Written by Elisa English

On May 30th, 2012


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