
問題:  King George was considered a mad king.

上面這句話的意思我翻為 King George被視為暴君或昏君!」




King George 當時被視為喪失理智, 精神失常, 發瘋的君主.

King George III has mental problem.  => King George有心智方面的問題 (精神錯亂, 精神病)


This is another example of a mad king (who was considered to have mental problems).


二、如何區分 a mad king 」是暴君還是昏君? 在中文,暴君如秦始皇,他可不笨,甚可說是英明的, 昏君如璟惠帝, 他是無能。 那英文中,我又不是外國人,我如何區分呢



=> 不是查英英詞典. 關資料

Mad = mentally disturbed; deranged; insane; demented. 心神錯亂的精神失常的; 發瘋的; 發狂的

= extremely foolish or unwise; imprudent; irrational: 愚笨的, 喪失理智的


A mad king => I would say:

精神錯亂的, 喪失理智的, or 發狂的君主.

A king who is without ration, who may be at the edge of getting crazy, or who is extremely foolish.

When we say someone who is mad, we tend to imply that person has some mental illness.


For example:

There is a mad man lurking around the corner, waiting to strike at anyone in the neighborhood.  (This mad man can be someone who is getting crazy and enjoys killing people.  This man is considered to have mental problems)


If you say that 暴君如秦始皇,他可不笨,甚可說是英明的, I would say that "mad" cannot be applied to 秦始皇

暴君 = Tyrant


As for 昏君, it does not apply either.  Because a 昏君 can be someone who does not do anything.  He can be someone who loves to party all day long and doesn't pay attention to how bad others are suffering.  For example:  King Louis XVI in French during French Revolution.  King Louis XVI was considered as a 昏君.

I would say 昏君 is more of a “wishy-washy”, or “weak” king, or an “ignorant” king.



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