You can probably tell by now that I am a pretty determined and persistent person.  Coloring at a salon costs too much.  If I can save $600 to $1,200 a year coloring my own hair, I can eat all I want.  Talking about food, I am gaining my weight back again.  I need body fat to sustain the bitter cold. 


Anyway, back to hair coloring.  I decided to give it another try.  This time, I decided to use a new bottle of coloring cream and used up the entire bottle.  In addition, I let the color sit on my hair longer.  Instead of coloring the hair in 30 minutes, I doubled the time to an hour.  Third time is a charm.  I am glad to say that I have finally succeeded in coloring my own hair.  Though I do not have hair highlights like I get from a beauty salon, I am glad that I am able to cover up my gray hair.  I will see how it goes.  Maybe I will add some hair highlights later. 


By the way, I think the reason that coloring didn’t work previously was my reuse of the coloring cream, which might have already oxidized and become useless.  In addition, I might have rinsed the color off too quickly before it could even stay on my hair.


Anyway, I am glad that it works this time to save me a trip to the beauty salon and prevent my wallet from bleeding.


Oh, the coloring cream I used is L’oreal Natural Match Color Crème Gloss No Ammonia, Color 4N.  I bought it on clearance and it cost me only $2.23 before tax.  Isn’t that a bargain! 


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