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A poetic foot is a basic unit of measure in poetry, with repeated sequence of meter, containing 2 or 3 stressed or unstressed syllables.  Meter is the rhythm of a poem.

These are the different types of meters:


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  • Oct 26 Mon 2009 12:29
  • eBooks

We are living in an era with a lot of freebies.  I have found the majority of them hidden in the cyber space.  What I enjoy the most is the free ebooks.  When I said free, I meant free as in no monetary exchange and no breaking the laws.  The one website I like the most is “Project Gutenberg”.  Many of the ebooks available for download on that site are free and there is no copyright issue to download the ebooks in the United States.  As stated by the site, copyright for many of these books has expired in the United States.  Others still copyrighted can be downloaded or can have copies given away if you restrict your use to educational and non commercial one.      

 It is therefore safe to download the ebooks without violating the copyright in the US, so long as you use it for your own personal reading. 


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Contrapasso是指靈魂在但丁地獄中的贖罪過程,他們在人世中犯下多少的罪孽,在地獄裡就必須接受多少的處罰。字面翻譯是處罰符合罪行”, 有以其人之道,還治其人之身的含義, 類似18層地獄。



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Explicating a poem 如何寫英文詩賞


(1) 該如何以英文essay寫英詩的賞析? discuss the poem但是要以essay方式寫出. 那到底要寫出的是對詩的感覺/感想/還是以它的格式做討論啊?

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Someone has asked me a question some time ago and I thought that it is a pretty good question, so I decided to share my answers with all of you.  I hope that you find it interesting and beneficial.



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Someone has asked this question about the main character in Wuthering Heights.  Heathcliff 是邪惡的人嗎??


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Figure of Speech

Similes () vs. Metaphor ()


(A) Similes () are figures of speech, explicit comparisons between two unlike things, using “like” or “as” and the like, to suggest the resemblance.

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Macbeth Act V Scene V:


Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player

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My Analysis of “On Her Loving Two Equally” by Aphra Behn: 


This was a song written by Aphra Behn, illustrating the dilemma a woman faced when falling in love with two guys.  She was unable to decide which one to marry as loving one made loving another stronger.  Ironically, this was usually a view or an excuse from a man for loving two women at the same time or for not able to commit. 

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My Analysis of “To the Ladies” by Mary, Lady Chudleigh 



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I came across a question that was removed later at Yahoo Knowledge, requesting translation of part of a Canto from Vita Nova.  (但丁《新生篇》)


Tanto gentile e tanto onesta pare

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I happened to come across this poem from Lord Byron while answering a Yahoo Knowledge question.  It is really beautiful so I would like to share it with you.



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There are fourteen lines in a Shakespearean sonnet. The first twelve lines are divided into three quatrains with four lines each. In the three quatrains the poet establishes a theme or problem and then resolves it in the final two lines, called the couplet. The rhyme scheme of the quatrains is abab cdcd efef. The couplet has the rhyme scheme gg.

See http://shakespeare.about.com/od/studentresources/a/sonnetbasics.htm

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