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目前分類:中翻英 (69)

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If I have time and if I understand the entire meaning of the song, I will try to translate the entire verse.  This is it for now.

By the way, I try to do it in a way that it sounds more like a song or a poem to keep the beauty of the original song.  Because of the style I chose, it limits me to fully translate the entire meaning of the song.  These are my translations for your reference.  Hope that you will like it.


Elisa 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

So what is 外交休兵 or 活路外交?  To accurately translate what they would mean.  I search online and these are my translation based on what I found. 


(A) 活路外交

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Just for fun.  This is a question I came across at Yahoo Knowledge since there are people watching my answers everyday, trying to report them to be removed, I have given up answering questions with vague subject lines.  Instead, I am providing my translation here and only comments for the question.



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Elisa's translation:

To enact classroom discussion for the second graders around culture is workable.  If the discussion forum is rolled out systematically, the ability to discuss around this topic can be built upon within one to two months for the second graders.  It is nevertheless important to observe every student’s comprehension ability during the discussion session.

Elisa 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Customer flow management (戶流量管理)

*Translated by Elisa on 9/04/09- 版權所有*


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(1) 我不懂他們為甚麼挑國際機場來表達國(問題)訴求


I don’t understand why protesters picked International Airport as a place to address domestic issues.

Elisa 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Expiry date: Printed on the box

Date of expiry:  Printed on the box

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當交通越趨於便利,捷運網絡更加綿密時,商圈間的競爭將更加的緊密,形同於同一 平台上相互競爭,唯有找到市場的空隙與消費者心中的位置者才能生存。


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This is my translation for a paragraph from 老殘遊記.  It seems to depict exactly how some people felt with the recent typhoon disaster.



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Disaster Relief Fundraiser Event


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防人之心不可無, 害人知心不可有
Be mindful of guarding against harm from others, and stay away from placing harm upon others.

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酒逢知己千杯少, 話不投機半句多 

Drinking with a confidant, a thousand shots are too few; Talking with an uncongenial person, a word is too much.

A thousand shots do not suffice when bosom friends meet; while a word is considered too much when there is no meeting of the minds.

Elisa 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


This research used participant observation and semi-structured interviews with purposive and snowball samplings to study housing that were converted to national housing for a particular military dependents’ village, a highly labor-intensive community, in the south.


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那個每天打扮的花技招展的女人, 又在跟她那些三姑六婆在一起說人是非了, 真好奇她那可憐的老公怎麼能忍受她這樣數十年.


The lady who gussied herself up daily glamorously is gossiping along with the gossipers again.  I wonder how her poor husband could put up with her decades upon decades.

Elisa 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

中翻英:  相見歡 - 詩詞翻譯


I like this poem.  It sounds so sentimental.  These are some of my translations.  Since I am not very good in Chinese, I may not get the meaning of the poem completely.  If I have misinterpreted the meaning of the poem from the source I found, please provide me your comments.

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Just for fun.  These are a few of my translation:



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一日為師, 終生為父

I would translate it as:


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Translation by Elisa (that's me):

Elisa 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

十年修得同船渡 百年修得共枕眠的英文怎麼翻譯?



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